New product
: 15 Centimeters
: 6 Centimeters
: Iberians, Iberian
: 3rd ct. BC
: Oppidum Cerro de las Cabezas
: Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, Spain
: WGS84
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)
Vélez, J. y Pérez Avilés, J. 2009: “El bastión almacén del Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real)”. En R. García y D. Rodríguez (eds.): Sistemas de almacenamiento entre los pueblos prerromanos peninsulares. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Cuenca: 241-256.
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) Arquiberlab |
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) Arquiberlab |
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) Arquiberlab |
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) Arquiberlab |
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) Arquiberlab |
Archaeometric analysis Physical-chemical analysis Stopper. Composition analysis |
X-Ray Difraction Mineral analysis Method of crystalline powder. The sample (2 g) is ground to powder in an Agatha mortar until an adequate particle size (0.25 mm) X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Diffractometer BRUKER D8 ADVANCE equipped with a copper tube, geometry θθ and with a LYNXEYE Detector. Diffraction data were collected in the range of 2θ Bragg angles from 5º to 80º in 0.02º steps, step time 0.2 s. |
X-Ray Fluorescence Elemental analysis Recommended sample quantity is 0.1 g. The sample is mixed with wax (as binder) and in bed of boric acid. This mixture is processed in the form of a tablet (10 mm diameter) with the aid of a hand press and placed in an isolated chamber where a vacuum (%3C10 Pa) is made. Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) AXIOS Panalytical wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF) spectrometer owned by the Center for Innovation and Technological Research in the University of Seville (CITIUS) (Figure 12). The main features of the device include: Rh anode (4.4 kW maximum power), 3 collimators (150 μm, 300 μm and 700 μm), 6 analyzer crystals (LIF200, LIF 220, PX-10, Ge111, PE002, PX-1) that allow qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of elements from O to U in a wide range of concentrations (from main components to traces), a flow detector (for Z%3C29 elements) and a scintillation detector (for Z>29 elements). |