Fragment of a hand. Burial mound 50. Cemetery of Tútugi

Fragment of a hand manufactured using stone and decorated in pink. Burial mound 50 of the Iberian cemetery of Galera (Galera, Granada, Spain). Hematites (Fe2O3), quartz (SiO2) and dolomite [Ca‎Mg‎(CO3)2] are present in the pink decoration.

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: 20 Centimeters

: 10 Centimeters




: Iberians, Iberian

: 3rd ct. B.C.


: Cemetery of Tutugi

: Galera, Granada, Spain

: WGS84



Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)


Rodríguez Ariza, Mª O. (2014): La necrópolis ibérica de Tútugi (2000-2012). CAAItextos. Universidad de Jaén, Jaén.

Sánchez, A.; Parras, D.; Tuñón, J. A. Y Ramos, N. (2014): “Análisis de recubrimientos y pigmentos en la necrópolis ibérica de Tútugi (Galera, Granada)”, Mª O. Rodríguez (ed): La necrópolis ibérica de Tútugi (2000-2012). Universidad de Jaén e Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología Ibérica, Jaén. 349-368.

Digital Resources


Archaeometric analysis

Physical-chemical analysis

Stone hand fragment . Anáysis of decoration

University Research Center for Iberian Archaeology

Spectroscopic analysis

Mineral analysis of pink decoration

Non destructive. Surface cleaning. Sample pretreatment is not required. Direct measurement.

Micro-Raman Spectroscopy (MRS)

Renishaw ‘in via’ Reflex Spectrometer coupled with a confocal Leica DM LM microscope (CICT, University of Jaén), equipped with a diode laser (785 nm, 300 mW), and a Peltier-cooled CCD detector, calibrated to the 520.5 cm-1 line of silicon.


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